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|||You miss the point. I could not believe that god exists if I was dying of cancer and you waved the cure in front of me. Because to believe that something exists I need proof it exists, not material incentives to 'help me' believe it exists.
On the other hand, I'll give you some pretty convincing lip service for the Caribbean Island or the other stuff.|||Actually, I already accept that a subjective God exists as an abstract concept held in common within the minds of most human beings. The thing is, I'm an atheist because I know for a fact that objective physical reality is separate and distinct from subjective mental experience. There is actually abundant evidence God exists within the mind of man. Unfortunately, there is absolutely no evidence He exists as part of the objective physical realm.
If Christianity were to abandon Scholasticism, with its erroneous Aristotelian worldview, and advance beyond the seventeenth century, I could happily become a believer in God as an intellectual abstraction. However, as long as the deliberate hypocrisy of pretending God objectively exists remains a requirement, as long as abandoning humanity's intellectual progress is necessary, as long abandoning my own education and embracing willful ignorance is expected, I shall remain an atheist.
What troubles me is that you imagine we atheists are so shallow and greedy we can be bribed to sacrifice our principles. Perhaps your question says more about your values than it does about atheists?|||All it would take is some credible (objective, verifiable, validatable) evidence that supports the existence of your particular god. I am not asking for proof, just some evidence.
You cannot bribe me to believe.|||Honestly, despite the humorous attempts at bribing us with money and sex, it's not going to happen unless God shows up, proves he exists and even then I won't worship. Why should I ? It's ridiculous EVEN IF THERE WAS A GOD. Even if he came down and rearranged the continents to say " I am God" and healed every amputee, cured every disease and raised all the dead people and created a Stargate directly to Heaven,the idea of worship would still be an insult both to myself and to Him. Of humans it says "We have no discipline, no pride and (currently) we are so afraid of death and an imaginary Hell that we'll give up on our most powerful tools in favor of 'protecting ourselves from Satan and his sneaky magic tricks of science and reason' ". Of God it says "You're an egotistical psychopath who'll kill people for not smooching your tush properly.".|||Maybe we would have more consideration and open our minds if you weren't so judgemental, you claim i am shallow and greedy yet you are the sort of person that would put me off seeking 'enlightenment'. Why would anyone question there own beliefs if all they find is santamonious abuse?|||Ask: Who made those, if some made those, then who made earth, sun, moon %26amp; universe? What is the purpose? Why are we here %26amp; what is our mission? Why cannot we see the maker, is this a test? Will our account be taken by anyone? Is there no punishment if rich %26amp; powerful cheats %26amp; kills one or many (like Bush %26amp; Cheney) who will take their account %26amp; give punishment? Is there another world after this?|||No. You are asking if we'd sell out our integrity for money or stuff.
This is an insight into why many people believe in god. It's known as Pascal's Wager, and it still fails.
What if you've chosen the wrong god, or the wrong religion?
What if God doesn't like toadies who suck up to Him, in hopes of getting into Heaven?
What if god belief is a mass hallucination, and you waste much of your only life on an imaginary god?
See the link for more.|||Proof, plus logical, reasonable and rational explanations for all the nonsensical rules and events in Christianity.
Personally, I don't think it can be done.|||Make it 100 million, a Ferrari, a home cooked meal and a strip tease. And I'll believe in whatever magical leprechauns you want me to believe in.|||It would only take more evidence that concludes a gods existence, than the amount of evidence that concludes a gods non-existence.
... and maybe all the stuff you mentioned. :P|||It would take the same thing that it would take for you to believe in the tooth fairy.
Not sarcasm, merely illustrating a point. What would it take for you to start believing in something that presently you know does not exist?
.|||If every bullet in the world simultaneously transformed into a mini-marshmallow, I would believe there was a god.
Then we can start arguing over which god it was.|||What's your point, that we can be bought? You believe what you believe. When there is evidence to the contrary, then you change your beliefs accordingly.|||If you offered me that, the best I can do for you is PRETEND to believe in God.
What we believe to be true or false cannot be changed at a whim.|||I can't be bribed into a philosophy I can't believe in. If a god wanted me to believe he existed, he would have to tell me himself, not rely on books or other humans.|||A little evidence and some sound logical arguments wouldn't hurt.|||What would it take to get Theists to become atheist or Agnostic? Look at your own opinion if you were asked that question and you'll find your answer.|||How about him appearing before me, right now, in the flesh? It would be so easy for an all-powerful being...
Nope, still don't believe.|||I would believe in God if I was able to ask him about why he left the world in such an awful state.|||Evidence.|||So that's what happens to the collection money, buying the souls of atheists.|||Ill say I'm a christian for $1,000,000.
I'm a christian. Now pay up.|||Do I actually have to believe, or will you accept lip service?|||It would take God capturing their heart or them opening their heart.|||Some simple evidence would do thanx.|||If belief can be bought and sold, it's not worth much, is it?
~Ex-Christian; agnostic atheist|||all it would take would be for God to want me to believe.|||A proof is more logic, but the $1,000,000 are good and I would believe...of course I would be pretending...|||Why? How much did you get for "believing?"|||What would it take for you to worship Hitler? You're basically asking us the same thing here, only worse.
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