Friday, November 18, 2011

Who else thinks that Peter Mandelson wearing a 21k watch at a Labour Conference is a disgrace!?

He was pictured wearing a very nice Patek Philippe watch worth a cool 21k! Disgusting waste of money from a man whose career has been funded largely by the public purse.|||Mandelson, in his own person, sums up the modern Labour Party.

I for one shall be voting against them at the first opportunity.|||Why should he worry - his time at the EU on expenses will have set him up for life!

He said "I can do it" and was proving it!|||actually i believe according to the report i read in the paper its was worth a good deal more than that, added to which the clothes, shoes showed a man with more money than sense. He is a horrible, slimy creature who should have stayed away, the Prince of Darkness indeed|||That's because he's a rich crook.

Socialism eh? More like Animal Farm with humans in it.|||Why shouldn't he? If he can afford it and chooses to spend his money in that way then it's got sod all to do with you, me or anyone else.|||It's irritating. It's perhaps a bit insensitive. However, I would have to laugh at the notion that he should turn up in a cloth cap or duffel coat.

It's a bit of a joke really. I remember the days of old labour and the controversy of Michael Foot turning up at the cenotaph in a scruffy old duffel coat. He got slated for that and now we have Mandelson getting stick for turning up smart and wearing flash gear.

I did prefer the duffel coat gang.|||I bet he bought it claiming it was expenses dirty filthy politicians.|||he hasn't got a wife to spend it all for him, so he's got to buy something.|||Times money as the saying goes.

Well they are New Labour - that little word new made all the difference. Blair hijacked the old Labour party and updated it to this new party - he of the private school education and being a barrister before entering politics.

They can really identify with the poverty!|||Its just to back up the fact that he is a 21k plonker.|||But celebrities do the same %26amp; we fund them partly due to buying magazines when they do a deal.|||It was thoughtless of him, which sums him up really - can't stand the man! However, the media (as usual) have made a huge deal out of it, and focused more on the watch than on the politics.|||l am sure it is a very nice watch pity you cannot say the same for the

wearer|||The mere sight of him anywhere in the political spectrum is a disgrace - he was kicked out of Parliament twice for lying!|||He's no different to any other New Labour M.P. hoovering up and spending money by the millions before their extinction in the next election.|||He has loads of money and no kids. The good old politics of envy raises its ugly head. I aint got one so he should not have one - outdated and pathetic - dont you know labour wants everyone to have one - courtesy of the rich who will pay far too much tax - it helps fund the scroungers and the whingers who want what others have but dont want to work for it.

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